Private Investors or Angel Investors in Andorra

In Andorra, as in other countries that need growth to expand, the need for an innovative idea will require adequate financial assistance. That is why the figure of an Angel Investor in Andorra is so important.

Are you interested in growing Andorran startups and looking for business plans for entrepreneurship?

It is a key element to develop and expand a company’s development plans.

They typically lack the expertise and monetary resources necessary for an entrepreneur who cannot afford to borrow funds from other institutions.

In this context, it is essential to have investors willing to provide expertise and advice.

This private investor can also sometimes be an angel investor. The companies in which they invest tend to be mainly small or medium-sized. But mainly in the seed phase of the project.

Angel investor in Andorra

What are the benefits of Angel Investors?

An Angel Investors program allows investors to invest funds in companies that have a high chance of doing well and then receive returns on the investments.

Andorra has been considered a rare country to allow angel investors to invest legally. However, given Andorra’s very attractive tax situation, many entrepreneurs and other not so start ups moved their headquarters to the Principality of Andorra, which has turned Andorra into a hub for very interesting companies.

That is why many Angel Investors turn to Andorra to invest in some companies looking for funding.

Angel Investors investments offer many advantages. Angel Investors have extensive experience to review business plans of different projects and can even advise on initial improvements of the projects.

Secondly, Angel Investors can help establish businesses that might not otherwise succeed. In addition, an Angel Investor’s investment provides early warnings of potentially profitable opportunities.

A commitment to entrepreneurship and business development

Andorra has one of its main areas of focus, the promotion of entrepreneurship.

It all happens by connecting investors, entrepreneurs, companies and start ups in Andorra.

Angel Investor in Andorra

Andorra: a place for Angel Investors

Andorra is a stable economy and political state which translates into a great interest for Angel Investors.

The case here is the search in Andorra for companies with limited capacity to expand.

Basically a start up is a company that has started its activities. Its goal is to attract new investors from all over the world to Andorra as a result of its project. On the other hand, since the Andorran region offers more tax advantages than many EU countries, most wealthy investors choose to set up there for business purposes.

About Andorra Business and Red Business Market

Andorran companies are key to the development of the Andorran economy, which is why the CEA (Andorran Business Confederation) defends the interests of all entrepreneurs and any business project in Andorra.

The promotion of key industries to improve the economy and diversify it is one of our priority areas and will support foreign and local investments.

Business angel andorra

What are the risks of being an Angel Investor in Andorra?

One of the main risks of an Angel Investor is not getting a return on the capital contributed to the company.

That capital is the result of a study price of the business plan of the company, so that as a general rule the undertaking of that company does not carry so much risk (risk).

The business angels (angel investors), have extensive experience in the country and have already invested in not only one company but in several companies part of their capital in startups.

But obviously the management of this capital provided by a business angel must always be followed up as the project can go wrong at many points.

What is the best way to find business angels in Andorra? What are the best ways to find angel investors in Andorra?

Business angels can invest anywhere in Andorra in a variety of ways.

A couple of common methods are to search the Internet for business angel events or to talk to investors through word of mouth.

Angel investors are typically very experienced and interested in the early development of companies. They can provide useful information and insights and provide funding if needed.

However, we have an extensive list of contacts who are interested in investing in a company in Andorra. So, do not hesitate to contact us for more information about this network and venture capital.

We have angel Investors in Andorra and also in Spain that can help you to raise your startup from the seed stage.

Lawyers in Andorra

What can interest an Angel Investor about your idea?

It is important for an angel investor to have a good return on his investment. How can we evaluate our investments in Andorra?

Net Present Value (NPV): is a method that measures the real value of a portfolio of securities. It usually calculates the present value of an investment and subtracts the real value of the original investment in the future.
Payback: Payback time is another important indicator of a successful angel investment.

What is the best way to get started as an angel investor in Andorra?

Here are some ways to get started as an Andorran angel investor. First, you must understand the legal situation in the country. Andorra has a small population with very few angel investors. It is also very important to be well connected to angel investment networks. AIN is one of the most useful resources for finding Andorra’s angel people. Thirdly, there are also important financial backgrounds to invest quickly. In addition, angel investment is incredibly important.

Do you need to make an investment round?

From our law firm we can help you to increase the equity of your company in Andorra and Spain. We have the ability to make investment rounds and do all the management so that from the seed stage of your company your investor can invest their equity effectively.

We write if you need help or advice on this point or if you have questions about the other sectors of our website.

We can help you with the Andorra partner agreement document. If you are going to make an investment round, it is one of the most important documents to negotiate, so we can help you with our experience in the sector.

Count on our experience.

Contact us

If you have any questions about how to develop your idea or how to contact an investor who might be interested in your idea, contact us.

We will help you to reduce the risk of your business plan and we will try that through our networking work your business plan can reach the maximum of our contacts in Andorra.

We help to make startups a reality and help those startups to get through their business plan, to get the maximum possible capillary through our network of contacts.

We can also help you with the opening of a bank account in Andorra if you need it. We know that many projects need funding and through a bank in Andorra may be easier for you.